![Thailand OEM Manufacturer,OEM Manufacturer Thailand,OEM Manufacturer in Thailand,Thailand OEM Manufacturers Directory,Thailand OEM Manufacturers List,Directory of OEM Manufacturers in Thailand,List of OEM Manufacturers in Thailand,Thailand OEM Factories List,List of OEM factories in Thailand,ASEAN business DIRECTORY,www.ASEANbizDIRECTORY.COM](http://www.splaopdr.com/images/sub_1445671823/THAILAND OEM Manufacturers.png)
Company: CDIP (Thailand) co., Ltd.
Address: 131 Thailand Science Park, Moo 9 Paholyothin Road, Room no. 204, 2nd Floor., INC1, Klong 1, Klongluang, Patumthani 12120
Country: Thailand
Tel: 6625647200 #5204
Fax: 66 2564 7745
Mobile: 66 86 317 2193
Email: pichchakarn.cdip@gmail.com
Website: www.cdipthailand.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cdipthailand
Twitter: -
ID Line: -
Products-Services: formulation, Research and development, FDA registration, OEM service, Product training, IP Matching
In 1943, Suparp Osot, A drug store located on Hau-Lumpong Rd. BKK
In 1973, Cox Laboratories limited partnership
A a manufacture for our own brand Pharmaceutical and Herbal medicine
In 2003, JSP Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Service of OEM for Dietary Supplement
In 2009, CDIP (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
One Stop Service for Healthcare products
Person to contact: Pichchakarn Pittayakornpisuth
Job Title: Chief operating officer
Mobile: 66 86 317 2193
Email: pichchakarn.cdip@gmail.com
TAG: CDIP (Thailand) co., Ltd.,formulation,Research and development,FDA registration,OEM service,Product training,IP Matching,Service of OEM for Dietary Supplement,One Stop Service for Healthcare products,OEM Manufacturer Thailand,Thailand OEM Manufacturer,OEM Manufacturer in Thailand,Thailand OEM Manufacturers Directory,Thailand OEM Manufacturers List,Directory of OEM Manufacturers in Thailand,List of OEM Manufacturers in Thailand,Thailand OEM Factories List,List of OEM factories in Thailand,